Online Events
A Naturopathic Approach to Evaluation and Management of Seasonal Allergies with Corrie Marinaro, ND

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, 26% (67 million) of adults and 19% (14 million) of children have ben diagnosed with seasonal allergy symptoms that require management. Common tools for management of allergies include histamine blockers as well steroids and other immunosuppressants. Though these tools can be helpful in acute situations, understanding the "why?" behind seasonal allergies opens up new potential to address underlying causes of the immune system's over-reactivity.
In this lecture, Dr. Marinaro will discuss common irritants to the immune system that create "histamine dominance" leading to seasonal allergies as well as strategies for addressing these under care of a qualified practitioner. She will also review the role of low-histamine nutrition and food allergy testing as therapeutic strategies for a histamine-dominant immune system. Lastly, she will discuss common histamine-management herbs and nutrients that can be used in combination with or in place of pharmaceutical histamine blockers.
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Dr. Corrie Marinaro is the owner of New England Naturopathic Health, founded in 2012 in Waterville, Maine. She practices an Integrative Concierge Care model of medicine, specializing in Mast Cell Activation Syndromes, Chronic Tick-Borne Illnesses, Mycotoxin Illness and Endocrine Dysfunction associated with these conditions. In her practice she prioritizes patient education to empower patients to take control of their own health journeys. She is the past president of and current conference chair for the Maine Association of Naturopathic Doctors.
A Naturopath's Guide to Successful Herbalism with Nate Petley, ND

Whether you are a budding herbalist or a seasoned practitioner, this lecture will provide practical advise and clinical pearls. Dr. Nate Petley, ND will share his experience of practicing naturopathic medicine for 10 years and studying herbs for over 25 years. He will touch on how to safely integrate tinctures, teas, and capsules for health and wellness, how to avoid common herb-drug interactions, and how to navigate the explosion of herbal medicine so readily available.
Dr. Nate Petley is the owner of Maine Center for Natural Health and is an accomplished naturopathic doctor, herbalist, and lecturer who shares his passion and expertise in naturopathic and botanical medicine. Dr. Petley blends the art and science of herbalism in his clinic and classroom, relying on 10 years of practicing naturopathic medicine and over 25 years of experience studying plants, wildcrafting, and making herbal medicine. When not practicing at his clinic in Waterville, Maine, Dr. Petley can be found gardening, hiking the mountains of Maine, and photographing the world around him.